Centrale Méditerranée (final year)

Description of the FETES option content

The following courses are compulsory (24 h each) :

The following courses are optional; students must choose 2 of them from the list (24 h each) :

All these courses correspond to 1 credit. In addition, students must also work on a project (5 credits) related to fluid mechanics/energy/transport problems/geophysical or wave problems/meteo, …. Therefore, the scientific topics correspond to 17 credits.

In addition, as for any student in any final year option, courses of Management, Languages and Engineering practice are compulsory. Altogether, they correspond to 13 credits.

Finally, the internship (April-September) corresponds to 30 credits.

The teaching team

For additional information, please contact the person in charge of the option :

Olivier Boiron olivier.boiron@centrale-marseille.fr

Last updated : July 3, 2018

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