Table des matières

Course unit: Corporate Finance

Course metadata

Mathieu Rebbi (EY)

Brief description

This course unit is divided into three parts:

Learning outcomes

Course content

Structured finance

  1. Main market players and rationale for using structured finance
  2. Promoters Credits
    • Understanding the Promoter's logic
    • Understanding Credit Risk
    • Assessing the risks for the banker
  3. Investor Credit
    • Conceptualization
    • Leverage and Loan to Value (LTV)
    • Debt Service Cover Ratio (DSCR) and Interest Cover Ratio (ICR)
    • Slicing of Debt
  4. Due diligence and points of vigilance of the banker
    • Leases and Rental Conditions
    • Valuation Report
  5. Other operations
  6. Perspectives on Market Finance (Securitization)

Project finance

  1. The main steps of project finance
    • Tender
    • Structuring
    • Optimization
  2. Financial modelling
    • The issue of circularity
    • Internal rate of return and gearing ratio
    • Case study
  3. The case of renewable energy projects
    • Prices and costs of renewables
    • Bank versus funds
    • How to set the price of a project?

Workshop in corporate finance

  1. Financial modelling using Excel
  2. The specificities of Transaction Services Advisory
  3. Advising start-ups (on their business model and in making them viable)
  4. Projects with real start-ups


Check the availability of the books below at Centrale Méditerranée library.

  1. Structured finance
    • Vernimmen, P. (2021). Finance d’entreprise. Dalloz.
  2. Project finance
    • tba
  3. Workshop in corporate finance
    • tba