Table des matières

Course unit: Finance

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Course metadata

Brief description

This course is taught by highly skilled professionals in finance. Some of them are Centrale Méditerranée alumni.

This course unit is divided into four parts:

Learning outcomes

Course content

Portfolio management

  1. Introduction to portfolio management
  2. Equity Investing and investment process
  3. Fixed Income Investing - basics
  4. Fixed Income Investing - advanced
  5. Alternative asset classes and Performance Measurement
  6. Asset management trends
  7. Project: Portfolio construction

Financial risk management

  1. Introduction: bonds and OTC transactions
  2. Modeling defaults: structural models and ratings
  3. Structured financing: plain-vanilla, asset financing, securitization etc.
  4. Banking regulation on credit risk

Applied finance

  1. Applied corporate finance – From startup to IPO… and LBO
    • Introduction / Presentation
    • Application areas of
    • Accounting Basic Methods
    • Valuation methods
    • We know how to value a company. Now what? Different types of operation
    • Introduction to Fintech and start-up ecosystem
  2. Applied market finance – Options: Pricing, Hedging & Risk Management
    • Market finance: players and products
    • Future and forward: pricing & hedging
    • Options: replication and pricing
    • Sensitivity of options: the greeks
    • Volatility and stress tests

Data Project: data sources and preprocessing



You can check the availability of the books below at Centrale Méditerranée library.

  1. Portfolio management
    • Roland Portait, Patrice Poncet (2014). Market Finance.
    • Franck J. Fabozzi (2012). The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities.
  2. Financial risk management
    • Gourieroux C. and Tiomo, A. (2007) Risque de crédit : une approche avancée, Economica.
    • Merton R. (1998) Continuous time finance, Blackwell Publishers.
    • Bruyere R., Cont R., Fery L., Jaeck C. and Spitz T. (2005). Credit derivatives, Wiley.
    • Roncalli T. (2016). Risk Management & Financial Regulation (website)
  3. Applied finance
    • Vernimmen, P. (2021). Finance d’entreprise. Dalloz.
    • Hull, J. (2018). Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 10th Edition. Pearson