Table des matières

Course unit: Models and Decisions

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Course metadata

Brief description

This course unit is divided into four parts:

Learning outcomes

Course content

Risk and decision

  1. Introduction: diversification and mutualization
  2. Risk measure
  3. Expected utility
  4. Supply and demand: the price of risk
  5. The value of information
  6. Market & Counterparty Risk Management

Statistics and decisions

  1. Reminder on probability: conditional expectation
  2. Stochastic processes in discrete and continuous time
  3. ARMA process: definition, existence, characteristics (autocovariance, partial autocovariance)
  4. Estimation of ARMA processes: identification, parameters estimation and validation
  5. Extensions: SARIMA, ARCH and GARCH processes

Corporate finance

  1. The Corporation
  2. Introduction to Financial Statements Analysis
  3. Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price
  4. The Time Value of Money
  5. Investment Decision Rules
  6. Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting
  7. Capital Markets and The Pricing of Risk
  8. Optimal Portfolio Choice and the Capital Asset Pricing Model
  9. Estimatong the Cost of Capital
  10. Capital Structure in a Perfect Market
  11. Mergers and Acquisitiions

Data Project: business issues understanding



You can check the availability of the books below at Centrale Méditerranée library.

  1. Risk and decision
    • Gollier, C., Schlesinger, H. and Eeckhoudt, L. (2005). Economic and Financial Decisions Under Risk. Princeton University Press
  2. Statistics and decisions
    • course handout
    • Brockwell, P.J. and Davis, R.A. (1991). Time Series: Theory and Methods. Second Edition. New York: Springer Verlag.
    • Box, J.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M. (1970). Time Series Analysis; Forecasting and Control. San Francisco: Holden Day.
  3. Corporate finance
    • Berk, J. and DeMarzo, P. (2019) Corporate finance. Prentice Hall; 5th edition.
    • Aswath Damodaran at NYU: Course and video materials, formulas, spreadsheets, estimated risk premium, Cost of capital by sector and more.
    • The Vernimmen handbook homepage: Course and video materials, formulas, spreadsheets, corrected exercises and case studies, newsletter, financial data on 7,000 listed companies and more.
    • AMF. Annual reports and legal informations on French listed companies.
    • Yahoo! Finance. Financial data on listed companies.