Table des matières

Project MMEFi

Brief description

The purpose of the MMEFi project is to make students confront with a complex problem proposed by a company or a researcher. It is a team work and the students are expected to put into practice the management tools tey have learnt during the management courses in the engineering curriculum at Centrale Méditerranée.

If your company or your organization wants to propose a project subject, then feel free to contact the coordinator, Renaud Bourlès, in order to know the framework of our cooperation.


The clients who propose projects are companies, organizations, research laboratories,…

Centrale Méditerranée is very grateful to the following companies which have contributed to training MMEFi students for their professional careers: BP2S, Axa, E&Y, Marseille innovation, Goji Markets, BonPlanCinema, InPact, Abel4Com, Happy Capital.

Exemples of project topics