Table des matières
Course unit: Models and Decisions
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Course metadata
- Title in French: Modèles et Décisions
- Course code: tba
- ECTS credits: 8
- Type: ground course
- Teaching hours: 100h
- Period: September to mid-November
- Language of instruction: English and French
- Coordinator: tba
- Instructor(s): Mitra Fouladirad, Christophe Pouet, Clément Depoutre (BNP Paribas), Gaël Leboeuf (Aix-Marseille Université)
- Last update 04/07/2022 by C. Pouet
Brief description
This course unit is divided into four parts:
- Risk and decision (24 hours) taught by Clément Depoutre
- Statistics and decisions (24 hours) taught by Mitra Fouladirad and Christophe Pouet
- Corporate finance (24 hours) taught by Gaël Leboeuf
- Data project: business issues understanding (20 hours) taught by tba
Learning outcomes
- Understand how to take decision under uncertainty
- Learn how to assess risk and how to compare risky situations
- Learn how to model, estimate and predict time series
- Understand how capital structure affects the value of the firm
Course content
Risk and decision
- Introduction: diversification and mutualization
- Risk measure
- Expected utility
- Supply and demand: the price of risk
- The value of information
- Market & Counterparty Risk Management
Statistics and decisions
- Reminder on probability: conditional expectation
- Stochastic processes in discrete and continuous time
- ARMA process: definition, existence, characteristics (autocovariance, partial autocovariance)
- Estimation of ARMA processes: identification, parameters estimation and validation
- Extensions: SARIMA, ARCH and GARCH processes
Corporate finance
- The Corporation
- Introduction to Financial Statements Analysis
- Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price
- The Time Value of Money
- Investment Decision Rules
- Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting
- Capital Markets and The Pricing of Risk
- Optimal Portfolio Choice and the Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Estimatong the Cost of Capital
- Capital Structure in a Perfect Market
- Mergers and Acquisitiions
Data Project: business issues understanding
You can check the availability of the books below at Centrale Méditerranée library.
- Risk and decision
- Gollier, C., Schlesinger, H. and Eeckhoudt, L. (2005). Economic and Financial Decisions Under Risk. Princeton University Press
- Statistics and decisions
- course handout
- Brockwell, P.J. and Davis, R.A. (1991). Time Series: Theory and Methods. Second Edition. New York: Springer Verlag.
- Box, J.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M. (1970). Time Series Analysis; Forecasting and Control. San Francisco: Holden Day.
- Corporate finance
- Berk, J. and DeMarzo, P. (2019) Corporate finance. Prentice Hall; 5th edition.
- Aswath Damodaran at NYU: Course and video materials, formulas, spreadsheets, estimated risk premium, Cost of capital by sector and more.
- The Vernimmen handbook homepage: Course and video materials, formulas, spreadsheets, corrected exercises and case studies, newsletter, financial data on 7,000 listed companies and more.
- AMF. Annual reports and legal informations on French listed companies.
- Yahoo! Finance. Financial data on listed companies.